Access Keys:

St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh


2022/2023 School Year

13th Oct 2022
As part of Healthy Eating Week in school and their topic, Autumn, the P1 boys and...
7th Oct 2022
As our “All About Me” topic drew to a close, the pupils performed a little...
6th Oct 2022
This week in Art Club, our focus was on all things Autumn.  The children carefully...
6th Oct 2022
Our P3/4 class really had a ball during our Big Fitness Workout Day held this week....
6th Oct 2022
Well done to all our boys and girls who completed their Big Fitness Day recently....
4th Oct 2022
At different times during the year, our Nursery boys and girls are busy with cooking...
4th Oct 2022
During the month of September, our Nursery children have been participating in activities...
30th Sep 2022
Well done to all our P1 boys and girls for completing their first month at St Oliver...
29th Sep 2022
September has been a busy month in P2! The boys and girls have settled really well...