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St Oliver Plunkett School Primary School and Nursery 9 Laragh Road, Beragh, Omagh

Vikings on Minecraft

13th Mar 2020

St Mary’s College student teacher, Miss McElduff, who has been on placement in our P6&7 classroom for the last few weeks, has been busy teaching the children all about the Vikings. As part of this topic, the children have been using digital technology to help engage them further with the topic.  The pupils used Minecraft to work collaboratively to build their own Viking longboats. Having investigated what the features of the boats were, they in turn had to work in their groups to build their own versions. Some very interesting longboats were created in a series of lessons which were thoroughly enjoyed by the pupils. Well done to all the children and indeed to Miss McElduff.

Below are some pictures of the children working collaboratively and showing off their creations, as well as some screen shots of different views of their longboats.